martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

Demolition Hammer " Epidemic Of Violence " (1992)


James Reilly - Guitars, Riot Vocals

Derek Sykes - Guitars, Riot Vocals

Steve Reynolds - Bass, Lead & Riot Vocals

Vinny Daze - Drums, Riot Vocals

1. Skull Fracturing Nightmare

2. Human Dissection

3. Pyroclastic Annihilation

4. Envenomed

5. Carnivorous Obsession

6. Orgy Of Destruction

7. Epidemic Of Violence

8. Omnivore

9. Aborticide

10. Mercenary Aggression (Live)

11. Cataclysm (Live)

12. Crippling Velocity (Live)

13. Carnivorous Obsession (Live)

2 comentarios:

Agen Dupa Denpasar dijo...

I like post

Anónimo dijo...

very good i like it too..

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